Learning, Teaching and Training Activities in Athens

The Learning, Teaching, and Training Activity (LTTA) event took part in Athens from March 28th to 30th, 2023, bringing together education leaders and project experts from the partner countries. The event aimed at fostering a collective exploration of innovative strategies for digital transformation in schools. The LTTA covered 7 participative workshops, following the DigiLEAD guidelines and education program.

The first day was dedicated on creating a successful digital transformation strategy and education leaders had to formulate effective digital transformation strategies, sharing insights and success stories. Then they engaged in a SWOT Analysis hands-on session, dissecting the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats in the context of school digital transformation.

The second day covered innovative teaching and learning strategies and school leaders explored cutting-edge methods to enhance teaching and learning experiences in the digital realm. Participants explored assessment and evaluation in digital learning and strategies for fair and comprehensive assessment within the digital learning landscape.

The third day participants explored the practical implementation of digital transformation in schools, such as the strategies and resource allocation. Then they outlined the topics of privacy, health, and well-being in Digital Learning, discussing how to ensure privacy and well-being of students and educators in the digital learning environment.

The Digilead LTTA event in Athens served as a hub for the exchange of ideas, experiences, and strategies, laying the groundwork for a collaborative and digitally empowered future in education. Through engaging workshops and international best practices sharing, participants left with enriched perspectives and a renewed commitment to advancing digital transformation in schools.

LTTA in Athens