ESHA Biannual Conference

In the last week of October 2023, the ESHA Biannual conference was held in Dubrovnik. Over 600 school heads came together to network and exchange experiences during the 3 day conference. Alongside keynote speakers and networking activities, the conference offered workshops on the main challenges that school leaders are currently facing. One of the major transitions in education, digitalization, of course, received a stage.

Dianne Franken (AVS, NL) and Myrthe Stienstra (ESHA) led a workshop for around 40 school leaders. In the hour-long session they introduced the DigiLEAD project, presented the results and showed a sneak peak into the DigiLead training for school leaders.

The workshop focussed on how school leaders can  support teachers in digitalization. Participants were fascinated by the Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) model. Discussing the key role that technological knowledge plays in the context of using digital tools in education, and the impact it has, both positively and negatively, on pedagogical and content knowledge.

The presenters showed the participants the SELFIE tool, which turned out to be unknown to all school leaders present. Participants seemed incredibly interested in how this tool could improve their digitalization strategy.

Finally, the participants were put to work. They were asked to discuss the support they currently offer to the teachers in their schools and exchange their current strategies. Participants indicated that they struggle with including teachers in the strategy process, offer them the financial support, or motivate them, depending from teacher to teacher.

The workshop was concluded by pointing them at the DigiLEAD tools, offering support with all of the above mentioned difficulties they currently face as leaders. It was a great opportunity to share knowledge and exchange experiences with school leaders who are currently in the middle of a digital transition.