The DigiLEAD consortium announces the launch of a Training Course for school leaders on how to develop digital transformation strategies in their schools.
The training course comprises of three modules with theoretical material and practical exercises for face-to-face training. The topics covered are:
- setting up a clear school vision and action plan
- conducting a SWOT analysis in the school context
- implementing innovative strategies for digital teaching, learning and assessment
- ensuring adequate infrastructure and equipment
- ensuring support, privacy, health and well-being in digital learning
From 28th to 30th of March 2023, twenty six trainees from Bulgaria, Cyprus, Greece, Portugal and the Netherlands had the opportunity to attend a 3-days-training in Athens. They were trained on the material and provided their feedback. These trainees will train more people back in their home – countries from June to September 2023.
The training course is available via the project’s website for anyone interested in using it.